Friday, November 28, 2008

Doctor Doctor tell me the news

Wednesday Lily had her 2 month check up at the doctors. She had to get three shots...poor baby. She did rather well I think I had a harder time with it than she did. She screamed for a bit but as soon as it was over I picked her up and she was asleep. She was a little cranky for the next day and wouldn't eat much. Of course I worried like crazy but the nurses assured me its just because of the shots. She also had to have an eye examination on Tuesday. Creepiest thing ever. Its all dark in the room and then all you see is this big eye staring up because its being held open by a thing that looks like a bent paperclip. She screamed during that too...but wouldn't you if you couldn't close your eye and someone was poking it and shining a bright light on it. So far the many dr visits have been pleasant experiences I hope the cardiologist appointment in a few months is the same.

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